Saturday, December 13, 2008

leading edge

8 hours

Finally back in the shop after a week of travel that left me back in town at the airport with a car that would not start... turns out that the fuel pump was dead.

With a loaner car from the dealer, I ended a short saturday to pick up the Subaru... mighty once more!

At the shop I worked on the skin join scarf joint, not needed yet but I was just a bit curious how it would work out... then moved on to the leading edges.

I built a jig to assist in assembling the leading edge and fuel tanks...although the skin is pre-bent the bend is not fully formed and the skins are very close fitting to the ribs... getting it all pulled together without a jig might be possible with a couple of extra arms...

using the a leading edge rib as a template I made a stand to assist with assembly of the leading edge and tanks
here is a shot of the finished scarf joint where the wing skins overlap at the main spar
leading edge skin ready to start fitting ribs
fitting the leading edge to the wing